187 Happiness and Motivational Quotes for You – Enjoy It

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Happiness and Motivational Quotes

Self-esteem is a delicate subject. Sometimes it’s like a pendulum, oscillating between excellent days looking in the mirror, enjoying the reflection a lot, and others not so good, where we feel strange in every possible way.

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Several factors influence these sensations. Trends, patterns, advertising. But it is the feeling inside that dictates how we genuinely see ourselves on the outside.

For each of these days – and for everyone else in between – we wish you could see yourself better and see the beauty in you. Not only the exterior, of course.


To remember all the beautiful things you have, here are some inspirations. You can write on the calendar on a board and put it on the refrigerator door, so you don’t forget. The important thing is to remember to feel good. And be you. Always you.

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Quotes for good days

The sun shines outside and inside too. You wash your face in the morning, brush your teeth and look in the mirror. What do you want to say to this reflection today?

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