Don’t annulate yourself for those who live well without your company. You deserve much more!

You are currently viewing Don’t annulate yourself for those who live well without your company. You deserve much more!

You don’t have to try to convince another heart of how much it means to you if he wasn’t even capable of feeling you.

When someone judges you by a decision, abandoning you because you feel too correct, humiliating you because you feel sensible, demeaning you, regardless of the pain that has occurred to you and not appreciating anything that you were or did just to see it well, raise your head, take a deep breath, ask God to take care of you and heal you, forgive that person with all the truths of your soul and go on your way.

But go on without regret, without stroking suffering, without holding a grudge, without harboring resentment, without blaming yourself for anything. You don’t have to try to convince another heart of how much it means to you if he wasn’t even capable of feeling you.

You don’t have to hurt yourself so much for someone who did not stop to look at you from the inside, who did not notice your absences or the question of your presence.

It hurts you to wish someone so badly that you don’t want it when your thoughts called you, that you don’t pay attention to your love, your desire to be close, according to your concerns.

It is very cowardly for you to cancel yourself for those who live well without your company. It is a difficult choice to assume but we cannot spend a life wanting to be noticed by those who simply do not care about us, do not seek us out, do not show signs of life and who have become accustomed to leaving aside those who shelter them inside, who takes care of himself, who is always there with his heart in his hand for the struggles he faces.

Whoever accepts love crumbs rejects God’s food.

Love your neighbor, but also take care of yourself!